We miss them all lot!
Hey Marie, we love your pictures!
We miss them all lot!
Hey Marie, we love your pictures!
VE Racing got to Kincaid just a few minutes before four. It was a beautiful day, bright and excited for the start of a new season of motocross - but the track was covered with fresh snow. Still there were some out there riding around in the muck!
First practice Sunday was also canceled.
Kris # 21 making the sharp corner after jumping Ant Hill at Jodhpur Motocross Track in Anchorage's Kincaid Park. Klint # 212 is in the back in the picture but usually catches up to give Kris some tough competition.
The board of directors will be meeting over the winter to plan the 2008 race season. All members are invited to participate in the meetings. Our meetings are held from 6:00 - 8:45 at the BP Energy Center, which is located just south of the BP Alaska Building at Benson & New Seward. 2008 meeting dates are:
January 3
February 14
March 13
April 15
As quoted from MXALASKA.COM
I see that we are being limited on the amount of storage space for photos on Blogger via Picasa now. So I was gonna share more photos but I will hold off for the moment.
What fun is blogging if there is a limit to photos? I can see where this is going... $$$$$. Lots for Blogger and less for VE!
Oh well I want to share this picture of the night racing the guys have been studding up their tires for here on the ice. A track that Klint and Kris designed and keep plowed and ready to run their quads on. They have even invited friends from the motocross community for afternoons of being on the ice together. So far, it's been so cold! We hope for a day when the weather is just right and the interaction on the track develops stronger friendships within the racing community.
One thing we won't allow while out on the ice is alcohol. This time is family-style and we encourage participants to bring stuff to cook on the bonfire. VE has been providing lots of hot water for cocoa, hot cider, tea and coffee.
This photograph was taken by Marie. You can look at more pictures at VE's MySpace website.